So does Google +1 mean the end of Search Engine Optimization?
Read How Will Google +1 Change SEO?
Social media has become all-important when we think about marketing our own website and our business. With so many options out there, it is important to understand your goals and the target audience of any social networking site. There is a lot of work to be done, and so you need to make what you do count.
Read The Importance of Getting the Right Social Media for Your Marketing Strategy
Customers who engage with social media in conjunction with other forms of advertising are far more likely to increase spend yet retailers aren’t unifying their strategies.
Read Why Aren’t You Unifying Your Social Media And Traditional Advertising Campaigns?
Social networks open up the possibilities of discovering and learning new information, sharing ideas and interacting with others.
Read How Social Media is Playing a Great Role in our Daily Life
Social media is becoming increasingly an important marketing tool. Many nonprofit, government and private agencies are teaching them how to do so.
Read New Programs Dedicated To Helping Businesses Develop Social Media Strategy
The importance of maintaining a Facebook page for the benefit of creating a personal rapport with people.
Read Ensure That Your Restaurant Always Has A Full House With Facebook!
How to measure the success of your social media marketing campaign
Read 4 Ways To Measure The ROI On Your Social Media Marketing Campaign
Why it makes sense to use twitter for marketing
Read The Reasons Why Twitter Is A Good Marketing Strategy
4 important SEO strategies that should jump your website on top of Google for a moderate-to-long amount of time.
Read Long Distance Strategies in Website Optimization
Determine which social media site makes the most sense for the branding of your business.
Read How to Choose Right Social Media Platforms for Business Branding?