Facebook, Instagram or any other social media channel will enable you to drive your social followers to your site but you will need to meet the requirements of the social algorithms. Driving traffic from your Facebook posts will need you to follow the social media algorithm-friendly ideas. This will ensure that your content is visible to the users.
To make your content seen, you will need to avoid a few ideas and follow some. You will come across several blogs and articles that will tell you about the things that you should do but rarely they will tell about things to avoid so that you satisfy the needs of the algorithms.
One thing that you should avoid is posting content that does not play the Facebook algorithm as that will make your social marketing much harder. It will be difficult for you to gain more clicks and traffic.
The techniques that were followed a couple of years will not work now and you will get less reach and traffic through your individual posts or your page as a whole. The best thing to do now to gain Facebook and Instagram followers to cross the ever-changing algorithm barrier is to cut the clickbait posts. These may gain more clicks but the algorithm will think that the content is poor and therefore rank you low.
The changing social media algorithms
Irrespective of the platform, the ever-changing social media platforms have altered the social media game and marketing concept. You will need to adapt these in your marketing techniques in order to design a diverse social media feed and gain a lot of traffic.
Here are the basics of each popular social media platform algorithm and its requirements:
Facebook : The Facebook algorithm now aims to reinforce meaningful communication between the users whether it is individuals, brands, businesses, or media. It now needs contents to be more relevant, interesting and valuable. Therefore, general engagement requirement of before is now changed to meaningful interactions.
Instagram : This Facebook-owned platform has an algorithm that is much similar to Facebook. However, it prioritizes factors interest, timeliness, relationship and more to streamline messages and ensure more engagement.
Twitter : This real-time social media feed switched on to an algorithm that prioritizes engagement and relationship with the author. It also considers your presence and the level of engagement you get from your tweets.
Now that you know the key elements of the algorithm of each of the key social media platforms you should now look to enhance the performance of your social marketing strategy.
Focusing on algorithm accordance
When you sort the algorithm of the social platform you will need to follow the advice of the experts to increase social traffic to your site.
Content overload is an important aspect to consider when you create. This will avoid content shock with the volume of it exceeding the capacity of humans to consume it. This will, in turn, make it harder for the users to click.
You must also meet with the changes in the feed algorithms so that it is easier for the users to navigate the consistent stream of posts that are uploaded on different platforms of social media.
Lastly and most importantly, you will need to know and achieve the goals of each social media platform.
Since each of the algorithms of each platform has different requirements and are handled differently. According to research, Facebook has the most sophisticated algorithm with lots of restrictions. However, the goal of the platform is pretty much the same: to ensure that the users stay on the platform for as long as possible. The best way to ensure that is to collaborate with your audience.
Making site algorithm-proof
In order to make your website algorithm proof and your social media, presence more powerful you will need to follow different tactics.
To increase web traffic, you should:
Build pillar content in order to increase content consumption because users are now getting overwhelmed with a large volume of online content and are looking for in-depth and more thorough content that will answer all the questions of the users. These contents are long-form one-topic content that can be disassembled technically into a few separate pieces. This is a secret tool to raise web traffic.
Optimize your content and site for mobile to gain more traffic because more than 52% of web traffic comes from smartphones.
Focus on user experience always and make it a priority to beat the online competition. Therefore, your content should be useful for them and also load fast.
Work always with a specific focus because the days of trolling for traffic and keyword-stuffing are long gone. Today, you must direct the users to the sites to get the info they are looking for.
In order to get more traffic from social media you must invest money in it because free social media is no longer in vogue. Moreover, when you come across any new feature, try using it immediately to the fullest. Instead of indulging in a volume game, focus on an engagement-based style of algorithm.
Working of social media algorithm
The algorithm of different platforms of social media works differently. For example:
Facebook prioritizes meaningful interactions and conversations so that the users get the maximum number of shares and comments. The Facebook News Feed algorithm also considers past interactions among the users, relevant posts and profiles. It also works on the basis of:
- Interactive posts and
- Comment activity.
Therefore, as a marketer on Facebook, you must focus on user engagement as a way reach to them more easily.
Instagram, on the other hand, updated their feed algorithm in March 2016 in which posts that people care most appears first but then in March 2018, it regressed to a time-based feed to make the posts feel fresher.
In a nutshell, the difference between the two updates involves relevancy algorithm and regency algorithm launched in March 2016 and March 2018 respectively.
Therefore, if you want to gain more traffic through social media you must focus on the peak engagement times of the users.