Why and How Should we Comment on Blogs

Blog commenting is a good way to build some links to your website, but you have to be really careful not to overuse it. Take a look at this article for more information.

People nowadays employ all kinds of techniques when doing search engine marketing. One of the most known ways to market your brand, however, is commenting on blogs. This is also a risky way to do SEO and can be very time consuming. If you don’t do it right, most of the times your comment will be considered to be spam and you will not be taken seriously at all. However, if you want to raise brand awareness among people and get some clicks you should seriously consider blog comments.

Before we start with the advices and recommendations about what you should do, here are a couple of things you should not do:

  1. Link dropping

    One of the things you should absolutely not do is randomly drop links here and there. This is not a blog comment, it is the most obvious way of spamming. In that case, your “comment” will most likely be caught by the spam filters and you won’t even make it to the page where the blog owner will delete it.

  2. Short, meaningless comments

    Doing that is also kind of pointless. Using some name as anchor text and a link to your website with a comment like “Thanks” or “Thanks for the info” is absolutely pointless. This is also obviously spamming and won’t do you any good.

So what is the correct way to comment on blogs then?

  1. Length

    Length is something very important when posting blog comments. The ideal size of your comment is anywhere between 150 and 200 characters. You make it longer than that and it would look like a blog post itself. Keep it short but not too short and make it meaningful. Try to contribute and people will be grateful. That way you will get clicks in return.

  2. Meaning

    Speaking of meaning, you should try to post very meaningful comments and try to make them as interesting to other people as possible. If you can offer some help that would be great. If you think your website will be helpful to somebody – leave a link. Try to make it look more like helpful tip and less like spam.

  3. Promoting own links

    If you are trying to be helpful on a certain topic, it is fine to leave one, two or even three links to surveys or articles. However if you want to leave links to your own content, it is recommended that you leave only one.

  4. Be real

    It is often highly appreciate it if you use your actual photo and real name when commenting on blogs. If you think that this can’t make a difference, keep in mind that most of the times this is the difference between rejected and approved blog comments. If you don’t want to be a spammer, don’t act like one and use your real identity.

All of these tips have been tested and proven to work. No matter how you are going to perform your efficient Google search optimization (Do you know that in Danish the term is Effektiv Google søgeoptimering), have in mind that using blog comments is always an option.

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Author: Lyuben Georgiev

Lyuben Georgiev

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 at 5:40 pm and modified by WebMaster View on Friday, March 21st, 2014 at 12:32 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Comments : 1

  1. All Points are Very Helpfull to Learn me how I can do Blog Commenting.
