Why Blog?
Syam Kumar April 26, 2004 08:01 PM IST
Why Blog? A question that non-bloggers and bloggers alike ask. Jeremy Wright and Paul Scrivens replies...
Jeremy Wright replies to a non-blogger who says blogs are useless:
Blogging's something for anyone and everyone. I can't think of anyone who can't benefit from knowing more people, never forgetting a thought again and improving on their thoughts with little or no effort.
For some blogging will be like a diary: a historical record of their thoughts at a moment in time.
For others it'll be like speed-networking. You get to know people in a shallow way and then develop a relationship.
For still others it'll be something else entirely.
Paul Scrivens replies to a blogger who feels that he has nothing to add "to what is already being written about by the likes of Dan Cederholm, Didier Hilhorst, Shaun Inman, Dave Shea, Jeffrey Zeldman and other giants of usability, design, and the web":
The blogosphere has a funny habit of elevating people to certain statuses based on some basic assumptions. All the people in the list (for kicks I will call them the "Fab 5") above are well respected and rightfully so because they have done something to earn it. However, to think you cannot offer something new and possibly better than those guys is an unreasonable thing for anyone to think. Look at me for example.
...People like to hear what you think. People like opinions. People like to learn.
...Write with passion and everything else will fall into place.
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Comments 7
C.N.Guerriere,M.D. February 21, 2005 07:24 PM

If I start a blog on useful information cosmetic surgery patients should be aware of,then sign off and don't return for several days or weeks,doesn't this leave people hanging with more questions,and how do they contact me without clogging my email box?
C.N.Guerriere,M.D. February 21, 2005 07:30 PM

Do you recommend any specific blog sites for physicians offering experience ,but not medical advice which could have liability ramifications;and dothe sites other physicians post require legal disclaimers?
Blogger Team October 9, 2005 01:14 AM

Blog is somewhat fun loving and specially love when you host a blog server yourself it reall fun giving people with free services to host what they want to share.
Happy Blogging to all blogger :D
Czeslaw August 15, 2007 06:36 AM

How can i become a saint?
JANEY January 20, 2005 12:21 AM